Understanding Root Canal Treatment: Will I Lose My Tooth?

BLKRoot Canal

Dental implants

The tooth pulp is a mass of connective tissue located in the center of the tooth. It comprises nerves and blood vessels that can get infected (common reasons include repeated dental procedures, a faulty crown, large fillings, and a crack or chip in the affected tooth). 

What is Root Canal Treatment?

If the bacteria in your mouth have invaded the pulp inside a tooth, you may need a root canal in Hamilton. There are three main objectives of root canal treatment or endodontic treatment- to clean the infected root canal, prevent re-infection, and save the affected tooth.

Here is a step-by-step guide to root canal treatment.

    • Diagnosis-Your dentist orders X-rays and may even conduct some exams to determine the extent and nature of damage and confirm that a root canal is necessary 
    • Anesthesia administration- licensed anesthesiologist administers local anesthesia to numb the tooth, ensuring the procedure is painless 
    • PulpectomyThe dentist makes an opening in the crown to gain access to the pulp chamber, so they can remove infected or damaged pulp from it.
    • Cleaning and shaping- Your dentist cleans and shapes the canals using specialized instruments. Any remaining tissue and bacteria are removed to prevent reinfection
    • Disinfection-Using antiseptics and antibacterial solutions, your dentist in Hamilton disinfects the canals 
    • Filling the canals- The cleaned and shaped canals are filled with gutta-percha or any other appropriate biocompatible material and adhesive cement so bacteria cannot re-enter the canals 
    • Temporary fillingYour dentist uses a temporary filling material to seal the opening. The filling prevents infection until the tooth is ready to be permanently restored 
    • Permanent restoration- Once the affected area heals, the temporary filling is carefully removed and the tooth is restored with a permanent filling. A crown is installed to cover the tooth (prevents reinfection)

Also Read: What is Root Canal Treatment? Purpose and Benefits

Signs You Need a Root Canal

Here are some signs one of your teeth is severely infected and a root canal is required to save it.  

    • Pain-Persistent pain that radiates to different parts of your jaw or face and intensifies when you chew food
    • Tooth sensitivity- If you experience sharp pain in the affected tooth whenever you drink a hot or cold beverage, the nerves inside it may be damaged or severely infected 
    • Tooth discoloration-If one of your teeth looks darker compared to surrounding teeth, a family dentist may recommend a root canal   
    • Swollen gums- Swelling around a tooth is often caused by acids produced in the mouth (as a result of an infection)
    • Cracked or chipped tooth- If you cracked or chipped a tooth, tooth nerves may become exposed to bacteria, which can cause a bacterial infection, necessitating a root canal 
    • A pimple on gums- A pimple-like bump on gums, commonly referred to as a gum boil or abscess can indicate an infection. A pimple may release pus leading to a bad taste in your mouth 

Will You Lose Your Tooth After a Root Canal?

No, you won’t. A root canal is performed to save a severely infected or damaged tooth. Although the process involves removing the nerve tissue and pulp of the infected tooth, the tooth itself isn’t considered “dead” as the underlying structure is still healthy. While it no longer has any living tissues, the tooth continues to function normally. 

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

A root canal typically takes between 90 minutes and 3 hours depending on the complexity of the root canal treatment and the location of the tooth to be treated. It can be completed in one or two appointments. 

It can be completed in one or two appointments. 

Also Read: Root Canal Aftercare: Tips for Long-Term Health

Is a Root Canal Painful?

Usually, root canals aren’t painful as the affected area is numbed using local anesthesia. You may experience some discomfort during a root canal, and mild pain in the treated tooth for a few days after the procedure. Pain after treatment should go away once inflammation subsides. 

Rosewood Dentistry is a renowned dental clinic in Hamilton. We treat the root causes of dental problems, instead of their symptoms. To make an appointment, call (905) 547-8033.