dental emergency

Emergency Dentist in Hamilton, ON

Emergency Dental Clinic Hamilton


To Schedule a visit with us, call our office.

When experiencing extreme distress, dental emergencies are common. Whether it be from infections, trauma, or simply just a wrong bite that completely went wrong. Possibly, you may have lost your crown, filling, or veneer, which does happen quite often.

Whenever experiencing a sudden emergency, do not hesitate to contact our dental office, as we will provide you with a same-day appointment. Please ask us if you are unaware and unsure of what indicated it. To save possible risks and unnecessary consequences, we would rather hear from you and have us mention that you are fine, rather than us having to provide you with worrying information.

At this very moment, if you are experiencing any sort of dental emergency, do not wait around! Call our office now and we will ensure that you receive an appointment today or the nearest date possible, that works with your schedule. 


Helping You Develop Healthy Smile and Healthy Habits
Call: 905-547-8033